“Let’s awaken” services

From July 31st to August 6th (2023), we experienced God’s greatness, power and love together at services. We saw the rise of a wave of awakening. At the last service, there were also prophetic messages about the continuation:

A Dream: “I was in the building and I was late for work. People from different congregations were together in that building. I asked God if it was over. God answered that it will be over when I say.”

Word from God: “Service in 6th of August was not the end, but now comes an intermediate stage. God has loaded a whole bunch of things into us and now He is waiting a few weeks for us to practice them. He wants to see what we do now. We have received very clear instructions. Each one of us knows what he has to do. God is behind the truth. At some point, we will know when it is necessary to move on.”

Thanks to several messages of encouragement, we are once again gathering at “Let’s awaken” services for new gatherings in partnership with Complete Healing Ministries and Peter Nordberg.

The following services will be held in Nõmme Baptist Church, Puuvilja 4, Tallinn:

Sun 24th of March 2024 at 6:00 p.m. 
Mon 25th of March 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Tue 26th of March 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
Wed 27th of March 2024 at 7:00 p.m


Eesti keeles





Ärkame koos teenistused 31.07 – 6.08.23 on järgi vaadatavad siit:

Проснемся с сервисами 31.07 – 6.08.23 можно посмотреть здесь:


Tallinna Metodisti Kiriku parklas on piiratud arv parkimiskohti.

Kesklinnas on nädala sees tasuta parkimine alates kell 19.00. Enne seda on 15 min parkimist tasuta. Jõudes kohale 18.15, tuleks seega pool tundi parkimise eest tasuda (18.30- 19.00). Laupäeval on kesklinna tsoonis parkimine alates kell 15.00 tasuta. Pühapäeviti on terve päev tasuta. 

Eraparklates (nt Tallinna Ülikooli parkla Europark) tuleks järgida kohapealseid viitasid parkimisreeglite kohta.